When we signed up the race was about 15 weeks out and felt like a very distant thing but I started training and found that to be somewhat enjoyable and somewhat stressful. Time is necessary to train for a race, you need to time to go to the gym or hit the streets and run and with working full time, going to school part time and planning a wedding, time is something you have to manage wisely. I did however manage to find the time to train and I am so glad I took it as seriously as I did because April 17 sure had a way of creeping up on me!
Race Day: April 17, 2010
Alarm goes off at 0445, I was already up. Had been up every hour on the hour since I went to bed at 2200. I kept having nightmares that I had slept through the race, but oddly enough I still felt rested and ready to jump out of bed. Adrenaline is a magical little thing! We were up and on the gateway/university train by 0645. My stomach was in butterflies but I was excited and just kept hoping to finish. I really wanted to make a great time or at least finish by my goal of 2.5 hours but even more than that, I was just focused on finishing and just kept hoping that I trained hard enough. We finally got off the train at the starting gate and because of the half gallon of water I had drunk since just waking up I could care less about the race, I had to pee. NOW! Well, unfortunately for me so did every other person so we waited, and waited and waited in line. I just kept thinking nothing can be more painful than this! I was almost in tears I had to go so badly, I thought if I can just remember how awful this is nothing in the race can be as bad. (Ha Maybe I'll try and channel that again when I have babies someday.) I Finally got my turn and then we were headed up the hill.
I can't express the exhilaration I felt when we crossed the start line and headed down the street. I felt so empowered and decided right at that moment that this wasn't going to be my first and last race. (I would later around mile 12 hate myself for jumping the gun and making such a brash decision!) I felt great and couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my face. I think part of me was in shock that it was actually happening and another part was just out for a nice jog on a beautiful morning.
I don't know how but I was completely oblivious to any and all mile markers, I only saw 3 because Juett pointed it out to me and 10 and 12 because they happened to be practically in the middle of the road as for the rest I don't know if they really existed but I'm positive it was to my benefit that I did not see them! It was such a beautiful course and took us through parts of SLC that I have never seen before. That kept me going, the men and women twice my age and size blowing by me also kept me going. You know it kind of sucks when grandma passes you in her little running skirt and water bottle belt and leaves you behind in her dust! I was so amazed by some of the people, I can only hope that someday when I am that age I am well and able and fit enough to do the same! As for me, I was just grateful for a healthy, strong body and will power to be running that race that day.
When the road split and the marathoners headed left I was only too happy and thankful to be heading right! The rest of the race was great and my friend/coworker Juett was a perfect running partner. We kept each other motivated and the little stubborn and prideful devil in me didn't let her get more than a few steps ahead until I was picking up the pace and matching her step for step again. The last mile came so quickly but it was probably the hardest of the entire race. I was more than happy to see the large Gateway train station straight ahead. Ha! What a teaser. The race wasn't done there, oh no we had to wind around to the entrance of the mall area where a large semicircle of balloons was. Ah... there it is I thought, so close. Or so I thought, the road just kept winding so I just kept running and finally we crossed the finish line. I had chills up and down my arms and legs I was so unbelievably happy and once again in shock, this time that it was over! It really kinda sucked to cross the finish line and feel so good and proud of myself and look out and see only unfamiliar faces. Kind of sucked bad but I know my friends and fam would have been there if they could. I couldn't wait to call my bebe and tell him I had finished. Not only did we finish though, Juett and I crossed the finish line 10 whole minutes ahead of the personal goal we had set! We finished the race with an official time of 2 hours 20 minutes 53 seconds. That alone was enough for me to know that I had definitely caught the running bug! I'm not so sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing at this point but I do know there will be more races in the future!
Waiting in line for the restroom before the race, I was seriously hurting at this point! (Juett has the pics we took at the finish line so stay tuned...)
You are amazing girl! GOOD JOB! So proud of you! :)