I got to spend this day with these two cute things
And of course my cute sister Abbie all of whom I have missed very much. At about 0715 I got a text from Abbie saying that Lauren was awake and in her crib calling for me. Ha I knew better but I took the bait anyway and went upstairs to play. I walked into Lauren's room to find the light on and both her and Warner in her crib laughing histerically at heaven knows what! It was so funny and cute. We played for about an hour and then Abbie got up and we had some yummy breakfast and played until naps and then Abbie and I went out to lunch and shopping for a little sister time. It was so nice to hang out and talk and play like we use to. Later that afternoon we headed back up to SL county to my parents' house where we played some more and then said our goodbyes. I went out to ice cream with Lisa, one of my best friends and it was a much needed night with the girls. I am so thankful to have been able to see and hang out with as many people as we did in such a short amount of time. I definitely got my fix!
War and his new basketball hoop. He's a pretty good shot!
Sis and her babydoll
She thought it was so funny to feed me the bottle
War's sweet new motorcycle he got for Christmas
Warner found this half sucked down sucker in a toy box in his playroom...
War- "ooh look cass a sucker!" then it went right in his mouth. hehe yuck!
Jan 4, 2011
Travel day. I use to love to travel, I use to love to fly. I still do, it's still fun and exciting but I prefer to do it with Jeff rather than by myself. I usually have delays, or miss my plane for one reason or another. I have gotten really good at crying and not paying for a new ticket (okay so the tears are genuine but it helps nonetheless) Anyway, I was feeling homesick for Jeff even though I was at "home" in Utah with family and friends but I was not excited to go home to CT and be alone while Jeff was in Norwalk . But it was going home time so I packed up and my mom and I went to lunch before heading to the airport. I had a pretty good travel day and only had one 2 hour delay. Jeff even came home the next night to be with me. I love him.
We had such a great trip and I'm so thankful for the help of our parents in getting us out there. Thanks to everyone who drove us around or let us borrow vehicles and kept us up for a night or two. We loved seeing you all and next time hope to see more of Ryan and Jill and their cute kiddies and Chris and Tess as well. Maybe we'll see some of you out our way for a change ;)
Remember when you had a sleepover at my house!!! I do. I want to do it again! Why don't you use my miles and come see me while Jeff is here. Just know that I will not share you!