
The Stars and Stripes

Happy Independence Day! 

We had a wonderful holiday week(end). We spent it with some pretty great people, by the pool, eating lots of yummy food, watching movies, sleeping in and of course fireworks. We went to a park to watch the Green Valley Station Casino fireworks, the show lasted seriously 7 minutes ;( Pathetic! There was jokes being made about "Obamaworks" (aka. our economy sucks so firework shows are now only 7 minutes long. Sad face.) We decided after the show ended and left us wanting more we would shoot off some of our own. I gave J a $20 limit ( I know right?) and he bought some and we went to Jodi's. Some of her neighbors had some pretty awesome and pretty dang illegal ones that they were shooting off so we ended up getting a pretty great show! I was glad when J was done lighting the ones he bought, I love fireworks but they kinda make me a nervous nelly. 

Thanks to all those who sacrifice so much to fight for our freedoms! We owe this day to you and your families who willingly give you away for a time to serve our country! 

In the famous words of my dad, "I'm just proud to be an American!"****

**** This was said over Thanksgiving dinner one year when we were instructed to go around and say what we were thankful for. We had 3 Taiwanese exchange students at the time, sitting at our table. AWKWARD. But completely hilarious, I love my dad.

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