
Good news & Bad news

Good news: Scout is doing much better and we have "lost" the lampshade, for now..
Bad news: Jeff started getting sick sunday night

Good news: Bachelor finale was on monday night!
Bad news: I got what Jeff had and after taking some meds, I was out for the count and slept right through the Bachelor finale :(

Good news: Didn't miss much. Ben chose Courtney. Figures.
Bad news: Jeff and I both had to work Tuesday

Good news: Actually made dinner tuesday after work and did a load of laundry
Bad news: Just the thought of eating said dinner above makes me want to die!

Good news: Pulled myself out of bed this morning to make Jeff breakfast and see him off to work
Bad news: Jeff threw up breakfast, still had to go to work :(

Good news: The spa is closed and I am at home resting
Bad news: Jeff is at work and I feel guilty :(

I promise I will never take being healthy for granted again! This week has been terrible, at least the weather is good and we have all our windows and back door open to air out our nasty germs! As soon as we kick this bug I am disinfecting this whole apartment.

I found a darling haircut on Pinterest and cut my hair less than 24 hours later!

The cut is not so darling on me. Here's to the next 6 months of ugly hair. Again!

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