
Not quite how I imagined it

The inevitable happened. I was asked to speak in church. Haha I have been waiting for the phone call since we moved here and I started attending our new ward (the ward jeff has been going to since Aug of last year) but I didn't think I would be doing it alone. Yep. Alone. Somehow Jeff did not get asked. Uh what? So I braved the stand on my own last sunday and gave a mediocre talk on the sacrament while my husband relaxed in the audience. I really don't mind speaking in church but next time I would like to sit next to my hot man instead of the young man who seemed more than uncomfortable when I sat down in the chair next to him. ha

After Sacrament meeting Jeff came into nursery with me and subbed so I wouldn't be alone and outnumbered! He was so cute! He read them stories and taught them how to play "I spy", sang with us during singing time and helped me by taking them out and walking with them when we were on the verge of having a runaway! We had gotten all the toys cleaned up and set them in their chairs around the table for a snack and then Jeff said to one of the little boys in my class, "I think cassie forgot to get me my snack!" So I poured him a dixie cup of water and laid out his napkin with animal crackers and french fries (veggie straws) and he ate his snack like a good little boy. He's so sweet! I am so thankful for his optimistic and fun approach to all things in life. Although we won't be having our own babies for a few years I know he is going to make such an amazing father! Thanks for your help babe! xo


  1. That stinks you had to speak alone!! I HATE SPEAKING and my time is coming in the next two weeks YIKES! I love that you guys got to play in nursery together!! YOU TWO ARE DARLING!! XO

  2. The last 2 times I've spoken in sacrament I've had to speak without Jared. It was so wierd. I guess I need the practice! It was kinda nice not to have him show me up when I was done though.
